Welcome to Zoning Inc.
Specializing in Custom Zoning Information Reports for Commercial Real Estate Transactions                    
Get The Zone You Need!
Report Options Matrix

Zoning Inc. offers a full line of zoning information reports to meet your every transaction need.  From the most basic zoning requirement summary report to the full survey comparison "ZINC" report, we have a report to meet your needs and budget.  If you don't see what you're looking for in one of our basic "ZONE" reports, we will be happy to customize a report to meet your specific project needs.  Looking for information not listed?  Zoning Inc. also offers "ala carte" service; we can include additional documents or information to our basic reports, such as utility verification added to a Zone III report.   We can also provide individual documents, such as a municipal zoning verification letter or copies of certificates of occupancy.  Just tell us your zoning due diligence needs, and we will help find a solution. 

Zone I: A very basic summary letting you know the current zoning designation for your property and providing a copy of the applicable zoning code sections

Zone II (Summary Report): A summary report providing a municipal zoning letter plus code sections, zoning & building code violations info, and applicable zoning cases and certificates of occupancy.

Zone III (Summary + Report): All of the Zone II information plus a zoning map, adjacent property zoning information, conforming status per municipality and a table of zoning requirements.

Zone IV (Survey Comparison Report): Our signature "ZINC" survey comparison report offers everything in Zones I-III plus a comparison of the zoning code requirements to your existing site conditions, notice of nonconforming characteristics and notice of outstanding fire code violations.

Zone V (Executive Summary): This 2-pg. executive summary-style report will give you the zone, right to rebuild, conforming status, notice of violations, a survey comparison and notice of nonconformities, but faster and without the municipality documents and associated fees; this report can usually be completed in a week or less.

Survey Zoning Data Sheet:  A one-page report including current zoning designation and applicable zoning requirements suitable to provide to surveyors

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