Welcome to Zoning Inc.
Specializing in Custom Zoning Information Reports for Commercial Real Estate Transactions                    

Change to ALTA/ACSM Minimum Detail Requirements

Survey zoning data must now be provided to surveyors. 

ZINC is ready with our new Surveyor Zoning Data Sheet!

Order individually or get one FREE when you order a zoning report !

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Back to Basics: Why Choose Zoning Inc. ?


    Because we are...


·        Our reports cost a fraction of an attorney’s opinion  (or save by letting ZINC gather all of the documents for the attorney to review)


·        Save labor – it is time-consuming to gather all of the information required, go through it and produce a concise, easy-to-read report


·        Save delivery and distribution costs – our project fee includes municipality fees, sales tax, overnight delivery charges, reproduction costs, telephone calls and all materials incidental to the process of obtaining and distributing zoning information        




·        Our staff has experience working with top lenders, attorneys, title companies and REITs, as well as with municipalities across the nation,  various types of properties and unique situations


·        Know who to call?  We do!  ZINC has a municipality contacts database so that we know the right person to speak with in order to obtain the various required  information and documents quickly and accurately




·        $1,000,000 in errors and omissions insurance for each report


·        The most up-to-date zoning information obtained from the most reliable  sources


·         Supporting documents and references included in each report
(with the exception of Zone V, which does not include supporting documents)


      What makes us stand out?
                      Customer Service

·        We offer second-to-none personal service and status on request
                              ·        Working late?  Don't be surprised to find that your zoning project manager 
                                                answers off-hours questions and frequently works when you're working.

                      Flexibility & Custom Reporting

·        Need a report designed to meet your specific project needs?  No problem!  
                                                We offer custom report and template design.
                              ·        Looking for additional information that's not precicely what we offer?  Just 
                                                let us know what you need and we will do our best to address and 
                                                incorporate the information - if we can't, we'll find someone who can!



Zoning, Inc. - the kind of company you want to do business with! 

Our company is woman-owned and owner-operated; we care about every deal and will give you the best service, value, variety and customer care possible. 







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